During the first three months of training each volunteer receives a site visit from Peace Corps staff to monitor progress, meet important community members, and observe current activities. Today Sandra, my regional coordinator, and Marko, the 2nd in command in all of Peace Corps Peru/ temporary youth program director travelled to Poroto for my site visit. They accompanied me to my English class in Shiran, where the director and students were quite excited to have visitors. Following my English class we met with the nurse from the health post to talk about future projects and current coordination with the health post through Consejeras de Salud and other projects. It was fun to have the opportunity to show people around my town and introduce them to the people I’ve been working with. I’m excited to begin future projects and I think it was beneficial for my community to meet my “jefes” (bosses).

After the community tour and meetings we went back to my host family’s house for lunch. My host mom had been cooking all morning and prepared my favorite foods. We started out with fresh white pineapple from their farm which was followed by an enormous plate of ceviche, sweet potato, yucca, and corn accompanied by fresh squeezed lemonade. When I thought we were finished my host mom brought out huge plates of pasta with chicken, which could have easily been an entirely separate meal. It was great to chat with my host family and Peace Corps staff, and I feel really blessed to have a host family that is so outgoing, warm, and welcoming. It can be difficult to explain exactly what Peace Corps is or the role I will be fulfilling, but opportunities like this help solidify the goal of my presence in the community and help bridge relationships between Peace Corps and my town.
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